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Zine Review: The Average and Different Days #5

I traded with Mnon for issue #5 of her perzine The Average and Different Days, which you can buy inexpensively on Etsy. She also sent me On the Verge of Summer, a diminutive one-pager. Mnon writes that her latest perzine installment “deals with the need to be creative, scary phone calls,” and miscellaneous components of a French college girl’s mental health. (English isn’t Mnon’s first language, but the errors are only minor grammar blips. Her writing is easy to understand.)

The Average and Different Days #5 zine, plus On the Verge of Summer
Note: the pink is less saturated in person.

The Average and Different Days #5 zine

As you can see, The Average and Different Days is a traditional cut-and-paste typewritten zine. Pages are embellished with collage, illustration, and handwriting. Most of the text is Mnon’s charmingly candid reflections on her life. Also found within: a playlist, comparison of coffee versus tea, and plenty of references to Twin Peaks.

Mnon’s diary-style narrative conveys the stress of organizing an academic and professional future. She is open and honest about her struggle with anxiety, definitely willing to be vulnerable with strangers. I relate to Mnon’s description of the oddly stultifying panic that came with tackling a bureaucratic dilemma at her school (“scary phone calls”).

The zine’s subtext is that early adulthood involves growing pains, some provoked by obstacles that seem insurmountable. I would recommend The Average and Different Days #5 to angsty students and/or anyone who likes girly stuff (AKA exactly me).

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